Respect Survivors: Community is the foundation of healing

Respect is a cornerstone of healthy relationships. Respect is a famously powerful Aretha Franklin song. Respect is the root of resistance to violence.

This October, for Domestic and Dating Violence Awareness Month, we are pleased to present our campaign theme:

Respect survivors. Community is the foundation of healing.

Domestic violence harms survivors and deeply affects communities. Yet people are often expected to heal on their own, or in the privacy of a therapist or advocate’s office, out of the public eye – because we as a society don’t like to witness suffering. Community is a crucial element to survivor safety, healing, and self-determination, and is built on a foundation of honest acknowledgement that domestic violence is a widespread problem. Survivors need empathy and understanding from all corners, in order to speak candidly about abuse and trauma. When we empower people who have survived violence, we promote healing; we are saying, “You are worthy of love and respect. You are worthy of community.”

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