Healthcare in 2017: what you need to know

Many survivors of domestic and sexual violence are recipients of health care made possible by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, or sometimes known as “Obamacare”), which supports programs such as our Oregon Health Plan and Federally Qualified Health Centers, as well as other public funding programs that make possible health care for … Read more

Thanks to DV/SA testimony: Intimate partner violence recognized as a social determinant of health in Oregon

Domestic and sexual violence intervention services (DV/SA) included in Oregon Health Authority’s request to the federal government for inclusion in service reimbursement for Coordinated Care Organizations under Medicaid Sarah Keefe, OCADSV Health Systems Coordinator Domestic violence is a core social determinant of health.  Center for Medicare & Medicaid Service’s (CMS) “better care, smarter spending, and … Read more