Multnomah County Domestic Violence Coordinated Access to Shelter and Housing Services: An Orientation for Community Partners

NOTE: The Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence broadcasted this webinar and hosts the recording as a courtesy to Gateway Center for Domestic Violence Services, a Coalition member program. Any viewpoints expressed are those of that individual or the entity they represent, and inclusion on the website does not necessarily constitute full endorsement of said content or its creators by the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence.

Beginning in 2015, the continuum of Multnomah County Domestic Violence Providers implemented a newly-designed system that controls access to all domestic violence shelter and housing interventions. Survivors who want to enter shelter can no longer just call a shelter and try to find a bed, but instead must participate in an assessment that assures shelter is a good fit for service. The assessment tool, called the Safety and Stabilization Assessment (or “SSA”), was developed locally, and is intended to help both the assessor and survivor identify strengths and explore service options. This brief webinar is intended to provide insight into the system for community partners. A brief overview will be followed by a panel of advocates talking about their experiences with coordinated access. A Q and A session will complete the webinar.
