Economic abuse is the most common form of abuse, occurring in up to 99% of domestic violence cases[1] [2]. The effects of perpetrators wielding power and control through the manipulation of finances represent a major reason victims are unable to flee the abuser or are forced to return. Even if a survivor manages to escape, the effects of financial abuse have the potential to follow them around for the rest of their lives.
In an effort to support survivors, the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence’s Economic Empowerment project counters the impacts of economic abuse by facilitating access to financial education and resources.
Our work
With support from the Allstate Foundation, the Oregon Coalition’s Economic Empowerment project provides training, technical assistance, and grant funding for local advocacy programs to implement Allstate’s Purple Purse Financial Empowerment Curriculum and bolster their financial education work with the survivors of violence they serve.
For more information about OCADSV’s economic empowerment work, please contact:
Brandy Turnbull
Finance Director
Click here to send a message
(503) 230-1951 ext. 303