What does leadership mean to you?

By: Renee Kim, MSW, LCSW, OCADSV Equity and Access Coordinator In the world of domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy, there are plenty of opportunities for leadership and sometimes your job title matches and other times not, what is most important is that you feel valued and respected for the job you currently hold at … Read more

Present at our 2019 Conference (deadline extended!)

We’re seeking workshop proposals for our 2019 Conference! Please submit your proposal by 5:00pm on Friday, January 4th. Deadline extended to January 11th at 5:00pm! Instructions |LS|PDF|RS| Workshop proposal form |LS|PDF|RS| Presenter application |LS|PDF|RS| Photo release form |LS|PDF|RS| Release of information form |LS|PDF|RS| We will give additional consideration to proposals submitted before the original deadline (January … Read more

Give the Gift of Peace

Starting on November 27th, buy paper doves at any Jacksons Food Stores location to support the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence. Proceeds from the Give the Gift of Peace Campaign benefit our public policy and legislative efforts to increase and improve services for domestic violence survivors. 

5 things you can do all year long to help end domestic violence

Domestic Violence Awareness Month might be officially over, but domestic violence is a major issue in our communities all year long. Here are five things anyone and everyone can do to help: 5. Learn about the issues and warning signs The National Domestic Violence Hotline has an excellent list of warning signs to watch out … Read more

Domestic Violence and Physical Disability: Awareness and Advocacy

By: Tegan Stuart, OCADSV Intern (summer 2018) Social isolation and lack of independence are major risk factors for victims of domestic violence. While persons living with physical disabilities are subject to traditional forms of domestic violence they are also often subject to other forms of abuse such as neglect, withholding of necessities, and elevated physical … Read more

Meditation and Breath techniques

By Trisha Elizarde-Miller, OCADSV Executive Administrative Assistant and Yoga Instructor In times of stress, it is easy to retreat into what we know is comfortable or what is habitual. When we are not stressed and are asked the question, “How do you handle stress?” it is easy to come up with practices that you want … Read more

A Popular Education approach to sexual violence prevention

By: Marsela Rojas-Salas, El Programa Hispano Católico – Project UNICA (fmr.) As an organization, Proyecto UNICA believes that prevention against sexual assault and anti-oppression work should begin at a young age to re-imagine a world without violence. However, often times the voices of youth of color become marginalized and misrepresented in the mainstream anti-violence movement. Proyecto … Read more

Written Testimony of Ebony Tucker, NAESV Advocacy Director, to the US Senate Judiciary Committee

Written Testimony of Ebony Tucker, Advocacy Director      National Alliance to End Sexual Violence Senate Judiciary Committee     September 27, 2018            To Chairman Grassley, Ranking Member Feinstein, and committee members:      I’m Ebony Tucker, representing the The National Alliance to End Sexual Violence (NAESV), the voice in Washington for the 56 state and … Read more

Public testimony in opposition to Oregon Ballot Measure 105

This statement was published in the November 6, 2018 Oregon Voters’ Pamphlet. The text is reformatted below for legibility. Argument in Opposition Preserving Oregon’s anti-racial profiling law is a matter of public safety, and it is essential for crime survivors’ protection, safety, and healing. That is why crime survivor advocates are voting No on Measure … Read more